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The Cube 2022 
"Reflection" Exhibition at Open Gallery, Halifax 
May 28- June 18 2022

'The Cube' 2022 portrays a reflective steel cube. Although it appears to be a simple shape its formal qualities are brought out and challenged through the polished reflective appearance of the steel material. 'The Cube' 2022 is an exploration of oneself and the situation that occurs between the viewer and the work of art. The viewer is made aware of their situation and relation with 'The Cube' 2022 as they explore it at different angles. The piece was accompanied with a complimentary photograph of 'The Cube' 2022 in a natural environment, being held amongst the branches in a leafless tree. The photographs indicates to the dark and cold season of winter. The black and white photograph allows the viewer to further understand the concept of the piece as it was created to challenge its environment. The question of where does the cube actually belong and whether it can find a place in the world even through the simplicity of the shape. The piece challenges the meaning of belonging and how we perceive the environment around us.





Catalogue of exhibition can be found here.

Official website page can be found here.


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